2012년 1월 10일 화요일

My favorite book....

My favorite book is The Witches. The author of this book is
Roald Dahl. I would like to introduce the author.
Roald Dahl was born in Wales with Norwegian parents. In 1940,
he started writing books for both adults and children.
He attended the world war 2. He was the flying ace.
He was the best author for the 20th century.
His famous books are Witches, Matilda and the BFG.

The witches is one of the famous books that Roald Dahl had written.I like it because it has
both the scariness and fun. I think that Roald Dahl is good at explaining feelings.
I would like to highly recommend this book to people who enjoy reading books with a
bit of scariness in it!

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